Galway Contact

Our Values

We are Caring:

*  We offer the hand of friendship and a listening ear to all our older friends, supporting their need for safety & wellbeing.

* We engage with other caring organisations to the benefit of our volunteers and older friends.

We are Passionate:

* We give priority to the wellbeing of our older friends in our decision making.

* We are committed to contribute to the reduction of loneliness and social exclusion among our older friends.

* We are committed to contribute to the good of society by enabling our volunteers to make a difference.

We are Respectful:

* We assist our older friends to live with dignity and in safety.

We are Honest:

*  We act with integrity and sensitivity respecting the confidentiality of our older friends and volunteers.

We are Inclusive:

* We will welcome volunteers and elders regardless of their religious affiliation, race, colour or nationality.

* We will strive to ensure an inclusive culture that encourages, supports and celebrates the diverse voices of our volunteers and older friends.

* We will strive to ensure that any volunteer is entitled to serve on our Management Committee and Board of Directors.